Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe

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  • Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe

    Asia House is convening a research briefing to discuss the findings of our recent flagship report, The Middle East Pivot to Asia 2022: Continued Growth in Uncertain Times.

    The report explores a key geopolitical trend of this decade – the rapid growth in economic and political linkages between the Gulf states and Asia. The research finds that emerging Asia is set to become the Gulf’s biggest trading partner by 2028. Gulf-emerging Asia trade has surged over the past year and is expected to reach US$578 billion by 2030, representing a major shift in global trade dynamics.

    The research provides detailed analysis of the trends and key bilateral relationships driving the Pivot, as well as specific sectors benefiting from enhanced Gulf-Asia ties, including oil, technology, renewables, financial services, and construction.

    You can view the executive summary and download the full report here.

    Explore the findings and their implications for business

    This invitation-only digital briefing presents a unique opportunity to discuss the research with the team behind the report. The briefing, on Tuesday 29 November, will include a short overview of the report’s key findings, followed by a Q&A with the report author, Freddie Neve, Senior Middle East Associate at Asia House, and Asia House’s Head of Research and Advisory, Zhouchen Mao. The briefing will be held via Zoom, but is off the record – no recording will be made available following the session.

    The research briefing takes place via Zoom on Tuesday 29 November, 09:00-10:00 UK time


    For more information, please contact Jonathan Smith, Corporate Affairs Manager: jonathan.smith@asiahouse.co.uk


    Freddie Neve, Senior Middle East Associate and lead author of The Middle East Pivot to Asia 2022

    Freddie leads the Asia House Middle East Programme, convening briefings and events with leading business and policy figures and conducting research focused on the region. He is central to Asia House’s engagement with the Middle East. Before joining Asia House, Freddie spent five years with Pall Mall Communications advising Middle Eastern clients across a range of sectors.

    Zhouchen Mao, Head of Research and Advisory

    Zhouchen Mao is the Head of Research and Advisory at Asia House, manging and contributing to the organisation’s research as well as engaging with stakeholders from a range of sectors. Holding a PhD in International Relations, prior to joining Asia House, Zhouchen was the Senior Analyst at AKE International, leading the firm’s Asia Pacific desk. He was also a Teaching Fellow at SOAS, University of London, where he taught both undergraduate and postgraduate courses on international relations in East Asia and China’s foreign policy. Zhouchen’s research focuses on international norms, China’s domestic and foreign policy, and geopolitical and macroeconomic risks.