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  • Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe

    Guests are seated at the annual dinner of the German Asia-Pacific Business Association (OAV). Photo copyright OAV/Kruppa
    Guests are seated at the annual dinner of the German Asia-Pacific Business Association (OAV). Photo copyright OAV/Kruppa

    Asia House Chief Executive addresses Germany’s business community

    Published On: 11 March 2016

    Asia House Chief Executive Michael Lawrence spoke as guest of honour at the 96th Ostasiatisches Liebesmahl, the annual dinner of the German Asia-Pacific Business Association (OAV), held at the city hall of Hamburg, Germany, on Friday 4 March.

    Other speakers included Hamburg’s Mayor Olaf Scholz, Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Committee of German Business Dr. Hubert Lienhard, Chief Executive Officer, President and Member of the Corporate Board of Management Voith GmbH and OAV Chairman Hans Georg Frey.

    The speakers all gave their views on the latest developments in the Asia-Pacific. Chief Executive of Asia House Michael Lawrence also outlined two scenarios of what would happen if Britain left the EU and how that might impact trade relations with Asia.

    Since its foundation in 1900, the OAV has become a leading network of German companies with interests and activities in the Asia-Pacific region. The Liebesmahl has been held every year since 1901 and brings together 350 business representatives, politicians and diplomats from Asia and Germany.


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