Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe

  • Asia House
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  • Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe

    Asia House Private Briefing

    Briefing on Japan & South Korea

    Join us at a briefing with Barbara Woodward where she will reflect on recent visits to a number of South East Asian countries and discuss key issues ahead of her forthcoming visit to Japan and South Korea. We are interested in facilitating discussion on commercial issues relating to either country and it will be an opportunity to raise issues relating to government policy.

    Barbara Woodward was appointed to the Board of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as Director General Economic & Consular in October 2011. Barbara has worked on economic and security aspects of foreign policy in China, (where she was Deputy Ambassador 2007-2009) and Russia (1994-1998) as well as in the EU and at the UN. From 2009-2011, Barbara was International Director at the UK Border Agency. In 1999 Barbara was awarded an OBE for her part in securing the release of two British aid workers held hostage in Chechnya for 14 and a half months and in 2011 Barbara was appointed a CMG for services to the UK Border Agency. Barbara is a graduate of St Andrews (history) and Yale University (international relations). She was appointed to the Board of Pentathlon GB in 2013.

    This event is open to Asia House Corporate Members only.

    • Event Details
    • Date
      12 March 2014
    • Start Time
    • End Time
    • Location