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    Asia House Brexit Series: Baroness Fairhead, UK Minister for Trade and Export Promotion, DIT

    Baroness Rona Fairhead, the Minister of State for Trade and Export Promotion at the Department for International Trade (DIT), will brief Asia House corporate members on the UK’s global trade prospects on 16 January.

    Baroness Fairhead was appointed to DIT in November 2017, having previously served as Business Ambassador for UK Trade and Investment (UKTI).

    As Minister for Trade and Export Promotion, Baroness Fairhead is responsible for promoting UK goods and services aboard, including the financial arrangements that ensure UK-based companies succeed in the global economy.

    The Minister will discuss the latest Brexit developments and the government’s efforts to develop trade links around the world. In a media interview in the UAE last year, Baroness Fairhead said: “Brexit will help the UK pursue a more open economic policy. We are accelerating relations with more countries around the world.”

    Baroness Fairhead has a wealth of business experience, having served as chairman of the BBC Trust from 2014 to 2017 and chairman and CEO of the Financial Times Group from 2006 to 2013. She also led Pearson professional education and held senior executive roles in ICI plc and Bombardier Inc.

    This event is part of Asia House’s Brexit Series – a programme of exclusive events aimed at providing unique and informed insights to Asia House corporate members.

    To register interest, or for more information about corporate membership, please contact Aini Abdullah, Business and Policy Programme Assistant: aini.abdullah@asiahouse.co.uk


    Image: National Archives

    • Event Details
    • Date
      16 January 2018
    • Start Time
    • End Time
    • Location