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    Corporate Members briefed on Washington’s Iran policy

    Published On: 13 March 2019

    Since US President Donald Trump decided to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Agreement in 2018, sanctions imposed on Tehran have been followed by a sharp downturn in the Iranian economy. In response, Iran has accused the US of ‘starting a war’ on the country and railed against sanctions at the UN.

    Against a background of counter narratives, Asia House welcomed Daniel Kimmage, Acting Coordinator at the Global Engagement Centre (GEC) at the US Department of State, to provide a clearer view on US Iran policy during an off-the record briefing for Corporate Members.

    Kimmage was joined by TJ Rodebaugh, Chief of Network Engagement, GEC, for the briefing, which shed light on the GEC’s efforts to communicate US policy and counter disinformation with regards to Iran.

    Chaired by Asia House Chief Executive, Michael Lawrence, the briefing provided illuminating insights into the US government’s approach to Iran.

    The briefing was held exclusively for Asia House Corporate Members.