Suman Bery, Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog, provided Asia House Corporate Members with an exclusive update on India’s economic and trade priorities for the year ahead during an off-the-record digital briefing on Tuesday 14 January.
Speaking from New Delhi, Vice Chairman Bery shared his insights on India’s forthcoming Union Budget, due to be announced in the coming weeks. He outlined the country’s economic priorities for 2025, discussing challenges to GDP growth, India-US relations, and the potential implications of tariffs introduced by the new US administration.
Corporate Members posed questions on a wide array of topics, including market access for consumer goods, opportunities to expand India’s digital economy, and progress on FTAs between India and the UK. Members also sought updates on the trajectory of India-China relations following steps taken to de-escalate tensions in October 2024.
Chaired by Asia House Chief Executive Michael Lawrence OBE, the briefing offered a valuable opportunity for members to engage directly with a senior advisor to Prime Minister Modi and gain unique insights into India’s economic outlook.
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