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  • Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe


    The New Global Trade Order: Perry Warjiyo, Governor of Bank Indonesia

    Newly-appointed Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo will brief Asia House corporate members on Friday 14 September, as part of the Asia House New Global Trade Order series.

    Trade tensions have rattled global and emerging markets, with currencies such as the Turkey lira, Indian rupee and Indonesian rupiah suffering losses against the dollar. On 4 September, the Indonesian rupiah hit its lowest against the dollar since the Asian financial crisis in 1998, prompting Bank Indonesia to intervene in the foreign exchange and bond markets.

    Governor Warjiyo took office on 24 May, after holding the position of Deputy Governor from 2013 to 2018. Other than a stint as Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund representing 13 member countries in the Southeast Asia voting group from 2007 to 2009, Perry has had a long career in Bank Indonesia since 1984, including in economic research, monetary policy and management of foreign reserves and external debts.

    During the briefing, Governor Warjiyo will share his views on how the escalating trade tensions between the US and China will impact economic growth in Indonesia and other emerging economies, and the strategies being employed by Indonesian policymakers to cope with these global uncertainties.

    This briefing is for Asia House corporate members only. To register, please contact Jana Psarska in the Business & Policy Team at: jana.psarska@asiahouse.co.uk

    Image: Rochelimit Wikimedia Commons

    • Event Details
    • Date
      14 September 2018
    • Start Time
    • End Time
    • Location