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  • Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe


    Ambassador Sarah Bianchi, Deputy US Trade Representative

    Asia House will welcome Deputy US Trade Representative Sarah Bianchi on 25 July to update Corporate Members on US trade policy in Asia.

    The briefing follows the announcement in May of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) – an initiative designed to expand US economic leadership in the region. Announced five years after the US unilaterally pulled out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership,  the IPEF has fourteen founding members throughout the Indo-Pacific region, collectively representing 40 per cent of global GDP and notably excluding China. June also saw the announcement of the G7 infrastructure plan, which earmarks US$600bn to support developing nations in a move widely seen as an attempt to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

    Ambassador Bianchi will share insights on the IPEF – which has yet to be outlined in detail publicly – and will discuss what these recent developments mean for US ambitions in the region. She will also brief members on how the IPEF will function alongside pre-existing regional agreements such as CPTPP and RCEP, and provide insights into the US government’s broader trade priorities.

    Ambassador Bianchi is part of the senior leadership within the office of the United States Trade Representative and oversees Asia, Africa, Investment, Services, Textiles and Industrial Competitiveness.

    This briefing, convened exclusively for Asia House Corporate Members, is moderated by Asia House Chief Executive Michael Lawrence. To register interest, please email Edward Danks, Programme Associate: edward.danks@asiahouse.co.uk

    Find out more about the benefits of Corporate Membership at Asia House.

    • Event Details
    • Date
      25 July 2022
    • Start Time
    • End Time
    • Location