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  • Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe


    ASEAN on the global stage

    The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) has benefited from strong surrounding Asia-Pacific economies including China, Japan, South Korea, and Australia. With economic partnership agreements in place with all of these, ASEAN is well positioned in global trade flows, but it remains to be seen how China’s slowdown will impact the region. In addition, China’s aspiration on the international stage might create tensions with the other major players, US and Japan. ASEAN needs to define its position within this constellation.

    Nazir Razak, Chairman of CIMB Group, recently told Asia House that Brexit demonstrates that the ‘ASEAN way’ works and will lead to closer UK-Asia ties. Mr Razak will speak at this signature conference in partnership with KPMG and give his views on the next steps of ASEAN’s integration in the light of Brexit.

    Lord Green, former Group Chairman of HSBC and former UK Minister for Trade and Investment, will give a keynote speech titled ‘ASEAN and the challenges of Eurasia.’

    This signature conference, in partnership with KPMG, will draw on insights from KPMG’s recently published ‘Southeast Asia in transition’ report. It will bring together experts and senior business figures to discuss ASEAN’s future potential as a major global player.


    08.30 am – Registration of participants

    09.00 am – Welcome remarks by Michael Lawrence, Chief Executive, Asia House

    09.05 am – Opening Remarks: Southeast Asia in transition, by Tham Sai Choy, Chairman, Asia Pacific and Managing Partner, Singapore, KPMG

    09.30 am – Keynote remarks: ASEAN and the Challenges of Eurasia, by Lord Green of Hurstpierpoint, former Group Chairman of HSBC and former UK Minister for Trade and Investment

    10.00 am – ASEAN integration: Updates and progress. Michael Lawrence in discussion with Nazir Razak, Chairman of CIMB Group

    10.30 am – Coffee break

    11.00 am – Panel discussion: The future of ASEAN as an economic power

    Situated in one of the most economically dynamic regions in the world, ASEAN members have benefited from surrounding Asia-Pacific countries such as China, Japan, South Korea and Australia, albeit on different levels. Intra-ASEAN different development stages might affect further economic integration. This panel discussion will bring together experts to explore the reality for business in the region as well as ASEAN’s path to become an economic power.

    12.00 pm – ASEAN and the UK. Opportunities ahead in a post-Brexit world, by David Sayer, Senior Partner & Member of the Board, KPMG UK LLP

    12.10 pm – Closing remarks followed by networking lunch


    Lord Green of Hurstpierpoint, Former Minister of State for Trade and Investment, and former Group Chairman of HSBC Holdings plc.

    stephen green photo headshot

    Lord Green began his career with the British Government’s Ministry of Overseas Development. In 1977 he joined McKinsey & Co Inc, with whom he undertook assignments in Europe, North America and the Middle East. Lord Green joined the then Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited in 1982 and became Group Chief Executive of HSBC Group in 2003 and Group Chairman in 2006.

    In 2011, Lord Green joined the UK’s Conservative – Liberal Democrat coalition government as Minister of State for Trade and Investment. He undertook this role in both the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from 2011 until 2013.

    Nazir Razak, Chairman of CIMB Group

    nazirrazak633X654Nazir Razak has been Chairman of CIMB Group since 2014. He joined CIMB’s corporate advisory department in 1989 and was appointed Chief Executive in 1999. Razak spearheaded the Group’s transformation from a Malaysian investment bank to a regional universal bank via several acquisitions throughout the region.


    Tham Sai Choy, Chairman, KPMG Asia Pacific Region

    tham633Tham Sai Choy is the Managing Partner of KPMG in Singapore, Chairman of KPMG in the Asia Pacific, and a member of KPMG’s Global Board and Executive Committee.

    Prior to his appointment in October 2010 to helm KPMG’s Singapore operations, Mr Tham was the company’s regional audit leader for the Asia-Pacific. 

    Andy Cheah, General Manager, United Overseas Bank Limited

    andy633Andy Cheah is currently responsible for managing the European operations of UOB. Cheah joined the London Branch in 2013. Prior to this, Cheah was the Head of the Oil and Gas Centre of Excellence, based at the UOB Headquarters in Singapore.

    Prior to joining UOB, Andy worked for Royal Dutch Shell in both its regional offices in Singapore, and global offices in The Hague, across the Gas and Power, and Chemicals sectors.

    Gregory Hodkinson, Chairman of Arup


    Gregory Hodkinson was appointed Chairman of Arup in April 2014. Hodkinson joined Arup in 1972, working on major urban development and transport projects in Australia and the UK, before leading the firm’s expansion in the USA in 1988 as a Founding Principal of the New York office.

    Hodkinson became Chairman of the Americas Region in 2004 and in 2011 moved to Milan to lead the firm’s European business.

    Jeremy Grant, Managing Editor, FT Confidential Research


    Jeremy Grant’s current position as Managing Editor of FT Confidential Research, follows an 18-year career as a journalist with the Financial Times.

    His most recent role was as FT correspondent based in Singapore (2012-2015), where he covered Singapore, Malaysia and corporate issues across Southeast Asia. He has also worked as a correspondent in Vietnam, Hong Kong, the US and Germany.

    Robert Minikin, Head of Asia Strategy, Global Research Team, Standard Chartered


    Robert Minikin is head of Asia FX Strategy at Standard Chartered Bank. He joined the Bank in 2007 and relocated to Hong Kong in 2010 before returning to London in 2014. Alongside broader Asia FX issues, Minikin has a particular research interest in Renminbi internationalisation, co-authoring The Offshore Renminbi: The Rise of the Chinese Currency and Its Global Future, published  in 2012.

    Minikin contributes to print and television coverage of financial-market developments, particularly those in Asia, and has over 20 years of experience in market analysis.


    This event is organised in partnership with:

    To register, please contact conor.paterson@asiahouse.co.uk

    • Event Details
    • Date
      16 September 2016
    • Start Time
    • End Time
    • Location