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  • Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe


    Global Trade Dialogue 2020: Tech transforming trade and the economy in a post-COVID world

    The Asia House Global Trade Dialogue returns on Monday 7 December 2020.


    Leading AI pioneer Kai-Fu Lee will be in conversation with Asia House Chief Executive Michael Lawrence to explore how tech will transform business and drive the global economic recovery from COVID-19, as well as the role of China’s tech sector in the world economy.

    The Dialogue will also hear from GO-JEK founder Nadiem Makarim, Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, who will outline his government’s efforts to build talent for the digital age. The Minister, who founded GO-JEK – Indonesia’s first unicorn company – in 2010, will also share insights on Indonesia’s start up ecosystem and how the country can sustain the exciting growth of the internet economy.

    Southeast Asia’s rapidly growing digital economy will also be the focus of Scott Beaumont, President of Google APAC, who will outline the acceleration of digital adoption in region due to the COVID crisis, and how ASEAN’s internet economy is on track to grow to US$300 billion by 2025.

    Bob Koopman, Chief Economist at the WTO, will discuss the performance of trade in the current global crisis, the resilience of global value chains, and how trade tensions could shape the post-pandemic recovery.

    The latest developments in US-China relations, including the implications of a Biden Administration for global geopolitics and multilateralism, will be explored by Tu Xinquan, Dean and Professor of the China Institute for WTO Studies at the University of International Business and Economics; Noah Barkin, Senior Visiting Fellow, Asia Program, The German Marshall Fund of the United States; and Anne Ruth Herkes, former Secretary of State at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

    Monday 7 December 2020 via Zoom

    09:00 UK time | 13:00 Dubai time | 17:00 Beijing time | 17:00 Singapore time 




    Opening remarks

    Michael Lawrence, Chief Executive of Asia House and Dialogue Chair

    The role of tech in driving global economic recovery from COVID-19

    Kai-Fu Lee, Chairman and CEO of Sinovation Ventures, in conversation

    Southeast Asia’s internet economy

    Nadiem Makarim, Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture
    Scott Beaumont, President, Google Asia Pacific

    Global trade order under the Biden Administration

    Tu Xinquan, Dean and Professor of the China Institute for WTO Studies at the University of International Business and Economics
    Anne Ruth Herkes, former Secretary of State at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
    Noah Barkin, Senior Visiting Fellow, Asia Program, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

    Prospects for global trade

    Bob Koopman, Chief Economist at the World Trade Organization, in conversation

    Closing remarks

    Lord Stephen Green, Chairman of Asia House
    Michael Lawrence, Chief Executive of Asia House


    As 2020 draws to a close, Asia House will be exploring a range of recent developments that could change the trajectory of global trade and investment, following a year defined by COVID-19.

    An already-present backlash against globalisation has been bolstered by the pandemic, but the crisis has also accelerated digital trends, with rapid tech innovation across the global economy redefining business models, sectors, and ways of life.

    More recently, breakthroughs in the search for a COVID-19 vaccine have moved markets around the world, while a new administration in the White House could herald a shift in global geopolitics. In Asia, the world’s largest trade deal – the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) – was finally concluded, marking a milestone moment for Asian leadership in world trade, and for ASEAN in particular.

    Asia House will be exploring these issues and the role of tech in global business during the 2020 Asia House Global Trade Dialogue, convened digitally on Monday 7 December.

    Kai-Fu Lee in conversation

    Kai-Fu Lee, Chairman and CEO of Sinovation Ventures and member of the Asia House Advisory Board, will be in conversation with Asia House Chief Executive Michael Lawrence to explore how tech will transform business and help drive the global economic recovery from COVID-19, as well as the role of China’s tech sector in the world economy.

    Google APAC President Scott Beaumont on Southeast Asia’s digital economy

    Google APAC President Scott Beaumont will discuss the rapid growth of the digital economy in Southeast Asia, and the broader transformations taking place in global tech.

    Founder of GO-JEK and Indonesia’s Minister of Education and Culture on the internet economy

    Nadiem Makarim, Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia and founder of GO-JEK, will also be joining to share his insights on building up talent for a workforce of the future and sustaining the growth of the internet economy in Indonesia and the rest of Southeast Asia.

    WTO insights from Bob Koopman

    The Dialogue will also hear the views of Bob Koopman, Chief Economist at the World Trade Organization, on the prospects for global growth into 2021 and beyond.

    US-China trade and tech relations

    The latest developments in US-China relations, including the implications of a Biden Administration for global geopolitics and multilateralism, will be explored by Tu Xinquan, Dean and Professor of the China Institute for WTO Studies at the University of International Business and Economics; Noah Barkin, Senior Visiting Fellow, Asia Program, The German Marshall Fund of the United States; and Anne Ruth Herkes, former Secretary of State at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.


    • Event Details
    • Date
      7 December 2020
    • Start Time
    • End Time
    • Location