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  • Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe


    The Internet of Things: Discussion with McKinsey’s James Manyika

    The Internet of Things (IoT) and its increasing interconnectivity does not only promise to make our personal lives easier but also to create value for businesses. McKinsey Global Institute’s report Unlocking the potential of the Internet of Things estimates that the IoT could create as much as US$11.1 trillion a year globally in economic value by 2025.

    As global businesses get faster, more efficient and more accurate, companies and consumers enjoy greater economic benefits. However, this also creates the need for a standards regime, different frameworks and an ongoing discussion about data security and privacy. What are the barriers to adopting IoT in Asia? What can governments do to support the growth of IoT? And how will IoT effectively create value for business?

    Join our exclusive roundtable discussion with James Manyika, Director at McKinsey and Director of the McKinsey Global Institute, on 28 June.

    Attendance at this roundtable discussion is by invitation only. 

    For further information, please contact: Melanie Ullrich, Business & Policy Team at melanie.ullrich@asiahouse.co.uk or call 0207 307 5462.

    James Manyika is a Director at McKinsey and Director of the McKinsey Global Institute, McKinsey & Company’s business and economics research arm, and one of its three global co-leaders. James has led research on business and on global economic trends, including the digital economy, globalisation, growth and productivity, innovation and competitiveness and labour markets. As a Director at McKinsey, he is also one of the leaders of McKinsey’s Global High Tech, Media and Telecom Practice. Based in the Silicon Valley for 20 years, he has advised many of the world’s leading technology companies and their chief executives on a variety of issues, including strategy and innovation.

    James was appointed by President Obama in 2012 to serve on the US President’s Global Development Council at the White House and since 2013 and until now to serve as the Vice Chairman of the Council. In 2011, James was appointed by the US Secretary of Commerce to serve on the Innovation Advisory Board as part of the Competes ACT. James is on the Boards of The Council on Foreign Relations, the Aspen Institute, the Oxford Internet Institute, MIT’s Initiative on the Digital Economy, UC Berkeley’s School of Information, Harvard’s Hutchins Center, including the Du Bois Institute for African and African-American Research, the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the American University in Cairo, and Techonomy.

    Dominic Barton, Global Managing Director of McKinsey & Company, wrote on ‘the dynamic centre of the new global economic landscape’ for the Asia House publication, Asia 2025, which was launched in March of this year. To read the full piece please click here.

    • Event Details
    • Date
      28 June 2016
    • Start Time
    • End Time
    • Location