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  • Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe


    Professor Kerry Brown’s Book Launch: The Great Reversal: Britain, China, and the 400-Year Contest for Power

    Kerry Brown, Professor of Chinese Studies and Director of the Lau China Institute at King’s College London, will launch his highly anticipated new book, The Great Reversal: Britain, China, and the 400-Year Contest for Power, at Asia House on Tuesday 9 July.

    The event will feature Kerry Brown’s remarks on his latest book, followed by an engaging conversation between Brown and Asia House Chairman, Lord Stephen Green, on the dynamic, evolving, and turbulent relationship between Britain and China.

    Starting from the two countries’ first contact over four hundred years ago, The Great Reversal: Britain, China and the 400-Year Contest for Power charts Britain and China’s important and consequential relationship using archival research and hundreds of separate studies.  

    Brown’s unique insights into this period help tell a vivid story that mixes mutual fascination and influence, culturally and economically, with the harsh reality of violent conflict at a time when Britain was the most advanced industrial power globally and China was still wrestling with its own attempts to modernise and reform.  

    Current UK-China relations have encountered increased turbulence, making it more important than ever to understand their rich and complex joint history. Despite their differences, Britain and China have profoundly shaped and formed each other, and the surrounding world. Sino-British relations are, in many ways, the story of modernity.  

    To register for the book launch, please contact Lin Cong, Programme Producer: lin.cong@asiahouse.co.uk


    Lord Stephen Green, Chairman of Asia House

    Lord Stephen Green is the former Group Chairman of HSBC, and served as UK Minister of State for Trade and Investment from 2011 to 2013. Lord Green was appointed Executive Director of HSBC in 1998, and held several senior positions within the organisation, including Group Chief Executive and Group Chairman. Lord Green regularly speaks at our events around the world and has written on Asian affairs and global trade for a variety of publications. He brings a wealth of knowledge on trade policy and global economic issues to Asia House.

    Kerry Brown, Professor of Chinese Studies and Director of the Lau China Institute at King’s College London

    Kerry Brown is Professor of Chinese Studies and Director of the Lau China Institute at King’s College, London. From 2012 to 2015 he was Professor of Chinese Politics and Director of the China Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, Australia. Prior to this he worked at Chatham House from 2006 to 2012, as Senior Fellow and then Head of the Asia Programme. From 1998 to 2005 he worked at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, as First Secretary at the British Embassy in Beijing, and then as Head of the Indonesia, Philippine and East Timor Section. He previously graduated from Cambridge University and has a PhD in Chinese politics and language from Leeds University. He is the author of 20 books on modern Chinese politics.

    While not officially released until 23 July, copies of the book will be on sale at the event.  

    For more information, please contact Lin Cong, Programme Producer: lin.cong@asiahouse.co.uk

    • Event Details
    • Date
      9 July 2024
    • Start Time
    • End Time
    • Location
    • Asia House
      New Cavendish Street