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    AI thought-leader Kai-Fu Lee to speak at major Asia House conference in Singapore

    Published On: 7 June 2018

    One of the world’s leading thinkers on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and venture capital, Dr Kai-Fu Lee, will be speaking at Asia House’s major conference in Singapore this November.

    Kai-Fu Lee is Chairman and CEO of Sinovation Ventures, a leading technology investment firm headquartered in Beijing focusing on developing the latest generation of Chinese high-tech companies. It manages US$1.7bn dual currency investment funds.

    As well as leading Sinovation Ventures, Dr Lee is President of the Sinovation Ventures Artificial Intelligence Institute, and is a former President of Google and Google China. He previously held senior leadership roles at Microsoft, SGI and Apple.

    New technologies will be a key focus of the Asia Trade in the New Global Order conference, taking place in Singapore on 22 November. Blockchain has the potential to overhaul trade processes, while AI and ecommerce promise to radically transform global business.

    These issues also have geopolitical implications, with much of the current US-China trade tensions relating to Intellectual Property rights and both countries’ ambitions to be the world-leader in high tech sectors.

    This is an issue Dr Lee explores in a new book, AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order, which argues that China has caught up with the US at an astonishing pace. The book outlines the upheaval of traditional jobs, how the suddenly unemployed will find new ways of making their lives meaningful, and how the Chinese and American governments will have to cope with the changing economic landscape.

    With this important Asia House conference set to explore trade policies and technology, and the spaces where they intersect, Kai-Fu Lee will bring a unique perspective to the dialogue.

    Find out more about the Asia Trade in the New Global Order conference