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  • Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe

    Asia House celebrates 25 years with launch of Fellowship Programme

    Published On: 4 October 2021

    Asia House, the London-based think tank, is launching a new Fellowship Programme to develop the next generation of business and policy leaders.

    Two Fellows will be recruited each year to conduct major research on the issues shaping Asia and the Middle East, while receiving leadership training, gaining business and policy experience, and engaging with Asia House’s global network.

    The scheme is being launched to mark the 25th anniversary of Asia House, whose founding stakeholders are HSBC, Standard Chartered and Prudential.

    The Fellows each will undertake a research project focused on issues around trade and geopolitics, technology and data, and energy and sustainability.

    Michael Lawrence, Chief Executive of Asia House, said: “This is a unique opportunity for candidates who share Asia House’s vision for a strong and dynamic relationship between Asia, the Middle East and Europe to elevate the debate on issues shaping global trade and policy.

    “As the world emerges from the COVID-19 crisis, the challenges of climate change, technological disruption and geopolitical tensions will continue to loom large in the global economy. The Asia House Fellows will play a key role in contributing to the global conversation on these critical issues by producing research with original ideas which will spark debate and drive greater understanding.

    “We are recruiting two Fellows in 2022, with a view to expanding the programme in the years ahead to build an alumni that will go on to shape the future business and policy landscape.”

    Applications are invited from candidates who will have completed a Masters degree or PhD by October 2022. The deadline for applications is 31 January 2022, with the Fellowships commencing in October 2022.

    Phyllis Papadavid, Head of Research and Advisory at Asia House, said: “Asia House Fellows will make a significant contribution to the organisation’s research agenda, which aims to help policymakers and business leaders better understand the new frontiers in global trade, technology and sustainability. Their work will be shared with senior decisionmakers in Asia House’s global network.

    “This is an excellent opportunity for research-focused graduates to make an immediate impact as they begin their professional careers.”

    The Fellowship Programme is open to all nationalities, with the roles expected to be remote. Fellows will receive a one-year stipend of circa £24,000. Applications close on 31 January 2022.

    Candidates wishing to find out more about the Asia House Fellowship Programme should visit asiahouse.org/fellowship or email fellowship@asiahouse.co.uk


    The Fellowships offer a 12-month opportunity to focus on a large piece of research that will be distributed among Asia House’s international network. Fellows will receive research support, a mentorship scheme and leadership advice, alongside the opportunity to be part of Asia House’s renowned business and policy programme and build professional contacts across our network. Fellows will also receive a stipend of circa £24,000.

    The Fellowship is open to all nationalities, with the roles expected to be remote. To be eligible, candidates must:

    • Be fluent in written and spoken English.
    • Have a completed Masters and/or PhD by October 2022.
    • Be self-driven and enthusiastic, with leadership potential.
    • Have a keen interest and knowledge of economic/political/commercial issues affecting Asia and/or the Middle East.

    The deadline for applications is 31 January 2022.

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