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    Philippine delegation share infrastructure aims at Asia House

    Published On: 26 September 2018

    Asia House hosted a ministerial delegation from the Philippines today to discuss the country’s ambitious US$180 billion infrastructure programme, Build! Build! Build!

    Arthur Tugade, Philippine’s Secretary of Transportation; Mark Villar, the Secretary of Public Works and Highways; and Vivencio Dizon, the Chief Executive Officer and President of the Bases Conversion and Development Authority of the Philippines joined Ramon Lopez, the Secretary of Trade and Industry, to brief Asia House Corporate Members on the emerging opportunities in the country.

    Lopez was making his second appearance at Asia House this week, having taken part in an investment briefing on Monday.

    Build! Build! Build! is a key element of President Duterte’s broader macroeconomic strategy, and aims to provide infrastructure that will serve as an enabler to growth, as well as providing employment opportunities.

    The briefing, which was chaired by Michael Lawrence, Chief Executive of Asia House, saw the delegation share a range of insights on the current infrastructure needs in the Philippines and the potential challenges to meeting them.

    The discussion covered the emphasis on infrastructure as a driver of growth in the Philippines, the nature of the labour supply required to realise the programme’s ambitions, and the country’s approach to foreign investment in its infrastructure projects.

    The delegation are in the UK as part of an economic investment roadshow, and came to Asia House to engage with its Corporate Members.

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