With the COVID-19 pandemic seeing the Philippines experience a growth collapse several times that of the 1997/8 Asian financial crisis, Asia House welcomed Carlos Dominguez III, Secretary of Finance, to update Corporate Members on the country’s economic recovery prospects.
Speaking from Manila, Secretary Dominguez outlined recent taxation and fiscal reforms in the Philippines and the government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis.
Asia House Corporate Members dialled in from around the world, putting a range of questions to the Secretary on issues including inflation, climate change, green finance, and opportunities in the country’s digital sector.
Secretary Dominguez was also asked about the need to improve good governance and transparency in the Philippines, the latest developments around the Build! Build! Build! infrastructure programme, and energy transition.
Chaired by Asia House Chief Executive Michael Lawrence, the briefing provided Asia House Corporate Members with an update on the Philippines’ economy from a key government decision maker.
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