Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe

  • Asia House
  • 63 New Cavendish Street
  • London W1G 7LP
  • enquiries@asiahouse.co.uk
  • +44 (0) 20 7307 5454
  • Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe

    Research services

    Asia House produces bespoke research on behalf of clients, including governments, trade organisations and multinational corporations. We have produced high-impact research for clients from Japan to the UAE, helping organisations to meet their strategic aims.


    How we work

    Our highly experienced research team works closely with clients to understand their objectives and what they hope to achieve through their research. We then design a research project and approach that best meets the client’s needs. Asia House research is independent, rigorous and future-focused, and meets the highest standards of accuracy and impact.


    Our global network of decisionmakers

    Asia House is uniquely placed to deliver high-level research focused on the key trends across global trade in the context of Asia, having built up an extensive network of senior business and policy leaders over 25 years. Asia House can convene senior figures shaping the future of trade to contribute insights in support of research.


    Comprehensive promotion package

    Alongside the research itself, Asia House is well placed to support in the promotion and launch of the research, including launch events, should the client require access to our global platform.


    Examples of our client research

    Profiling the Japan-UK relationship

    Asia House was commissioned by the Government of Japan to explore the future trajectory of Japan-UK relations. We leveraged our global network to convene leading thought leaders from the business and policy community to participate in workshops and focus groups exploring the state of bilateral relations. The insights gained from these discussions was complemented with original research to produce a forward-looking report with recommendations for policymakers.

    Asia House also built a bespoke microsite for project, featuring video interviews, expert analysis, and information about the conference we organised to launch the report.

    View the report: ‘Japan-UK Relations After Brexit: Looking towards a closer economic partnership’

    Positioning the City of London

    Asia House researched and produced a report for the City of London to position it as a key partner for Asian markets. This included extensive data based research and analysis on economic and business trends to explore opportunities for synergy between Asian business hubs and the financial and professional services offered by the City of London.

    View the report: ‘Asia as a financial services partner for London’


    For more information about Asia House research services, please contactKatie Reid, Stakeholder Engagement Associate: katie.reid@asiahouse.co.uk