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  • Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe

    Steel test for Trump as China warns on exports


    Published On: 24 April 2017

    China Daily has openly criticised a move by the US administration to review steel imports from the country in a protectionist strategy to boost US steelmakers.

    The newspaper quotes the US President, saying: “For decades America has lost our jobs and our factories to unfair foreign trade,” Trump said. “And one steel mill after another has been shut down, abandoned, and closed. And we’re going to reverse that.”

    The editorial, reported also by Reuters, warns of retaliatory measures such as blocking US tech and finance if the US presses ahead with a Chinese steel ban.

    Global competitiveness in US steel manufacturing will not be remedied by restricting imports, the article stated, calling on the US to settle any disputes on imports through the World Trade Organisation.