Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe

  • Asia House
  • 63 New Cavendish Street
  • London W1G 7LP
  • enquiries@asiahouse.co.uk
  • +44 (0) 20 7307 5454
  • Driving commercial and political engagement between Asia, the Middle East and Europe

    Asia House Sustainability Policy 2021

    Asia House recognises the shared global challenge of climate change and the need to work towards a sustainable world. We are actively playing our part through our own operational sustainability measures, and through our work as an organisation driving global discussions on this critical issue.

    Our operation

    Asia House has built sustainability considerations into all our operational activities. We closely monitor regulations and environmental legislation, and have designated sustainability roles within the organisation, who manage and communicate our sustainability policy [as per 2021 this is the Director of Events and Operations].

    Asia House encourages our suppliers to have green policies, and we are committed to using green services where practicable.

    Operational measures include:


    • All lights within Asia House are LED or energy saving lights
    • Lighting is based on timer system to reduce energy waste


    • The heating system at Asia House is based on a timer system to reduce energy waste


    • We work with First Mile to monitor our waste and ensure we meet best practice
    • Asia House is committed to using environmentally-friendly service providers for waste management. Our current provider is Green Mile
    • We ensure that all our waste is recycled, from mixed recycling to food waste


    • We do not use bottled water. Asia House utilises purified filtered tap water, saving on plastic consumption


    • Asia House has a digital-first approach, aimed at dramatically reducing the need to use paper
    • We use recycled paper where possible and source recycled products


    • We purchase our food from local suppliers where possible

    Employee feedback

    • Employees are encouraged to suggest ongoing areas for improvement


    Our global contribution

    Beyond our operational measures to reduce our own carbon footprint, Asia House contributes to the sustainability agenda through our business activities.

    Climate change policy

    • Asia House convenes high-level dialogues on climate change and sustainability issues with senior decision makers from government and business
    • Asia House conducts original research into the issue of climate change, with a particular focus on the corporate and policy response
    • Asia House operates a COP26 Programme, dedicated to pushing the global conversation on climate change and sustainability to support successful international cooperation on this key issue

     Green Tourism Award

    Asia House’s sustainability efforts have led to a Green Tourism Award



    This policy is publicly available on the Asia House website and is regularly reviewed.

    Last updated: March 2021